WHA Spring Sale, March 5, 2025 | Fennimore Livestock Exchange, Fennimore WI


The WI Hereford Association (WHA) continually supports members in their efforts to raise and market Hereford Cattle.

WI Hereford Association membership welcomes individuals, families, farms and herds of all sizes! Membership is open to anyone with interest and enthusiasm for Hereford cattle.

The WI Hereford Association offers members the opportunity to market breeding stock through the yearly WHA State Sale.

The WHA supports marketing opportunities for WI Hereford feeder cattle through local and regional “Hereford Influence” and “Red-Hided” focused sales.

The WI Hereford Association provides family-friendly networking opportunities with other WI Hereford breeders through educational and social events such as: farm tours and summer picnic, the yearly WHA State Sale and banquet, agricultural trade shows and field days in WI, and more!

Check out a list of upcoming WHA events you may be interested in
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Find Wisconsin Hereford Association members by viewing our directory
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Application form to become a member or renew your membership
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The Wisconsin Hereford Association thanks the Bevan Family, Bacon Branch Beef, Platteteville, WI, for their donation of Lot 1 to the WHA State Sale in Fennimore on March 5, 2022. The Bevan's donated BB Veronica 96 EJ in memory of Papa Dave Bevan. The donation heifer raised $11,600 for Wisconsin Junior Hereford Association Programs and scholarships. Thank you to all who donated! Congratulations to Kim and Jeanine Radel, K & J Polled Herefords, Spring Green, WI for purchasing the winning ticket!

If you are interested in donating a heifer for 2023, please contact any WJHA member or advisor BJ Jones at 608-482-2961.

WHA Hall of Fame

Please join us in congratulating your newest inductees into the Wisconsin Hereford Hall of Fame...

In Memoriam

The WHA extends our condolences to the families and friends of the members we have recently lost...

Support Your Herd's Success.
In the Cowherd. In the Showring. In the Feedlot.